By using asymmetrical meters, dividing beat and rhythm patterns into unexpected groupings, blurring meter definitions, and juxtaposing multiple meters against themselves simultaneously, Tool have built up their popularity despite all of their unpopular traits. Perhaps no song of theirs better emulates this than the title track from their Lateralus album, and let’s unpack this epic track in order to better understand the different levels on which Tool’s unique approach to meter works.

Let’s count down the hits from coast to coast. 15) David Gilmour, Luck and Strange – Recalling the anthemic, cavernous, and contemplative soundscapes of (Pink Floyd’s) The Division Bell, Gilmour’s most recent solo outing proudly declares itself to be much more than a legacy album. Gilmour’s voice explores deeper registers with all of the miles […]

In which I throw words at my dozen favorite albums from the past year. 12) The Hives, The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons – On their first studio album since 2012, Swedish post-punk revival darlings The Hives sound, well, a lot like they did in 2012. There’s something very rewarding about hearing a great band come […]

Here are 10 albums that I rather enjoyed from 2021, ranked in reverse order for faux-dramatic effect. 10) BADBADNOTGOOD, Talk Memory – This Canadian outfit exists somewhere in the nether-region of jazz, soul, and neo-psychedelia, crafting songs that are brimming with spontaneous and unpredictable energy. Each track offers a rick palette of sounds, and their […]

2020: a terrible year for life, but a sneakily great year for music. 15) Music by Gestalt, Debussy’s Fawn – With a raucous propulsion of energy that recalls The Bad Plus, Music by Gestalt is a jazz trio that refuses to conform to genre expectations. In addition to formal adventurousness and aggressive timbres and grooves, […]

Best Albums of 2019   I already ran down my favorites of the decade, but I didn’t want 2019 to feel left out.   10) CJ Run, Here for Now – Chicago-based rapper CJ Run has a unique voice – literally, as they were born of Afro-Caribbean parentage in Germany but raised in the UK. […]